A different perspective of the world we live in, is my reality. To much "common sense" in existing societies, but as humans, we personally observe, the people around us, the world, the very existence and our personal value. For that, Carpe Diem is the motto of this blog. Global wakening, unity, in a personal but also social and political view, where art have a privileged place. I do not set goals for happiness, my future memories are being made now, in each present.
This was a more personal Blog, a few years ago, where I've used my passion for creative writing, in my mother language, Portuguese. But, as all of us, during these last years, my passion has turned to the Global awakening, happening in the last decades. Mainly, a Human view.
This Global movement, that especially, has grown so much through internet accessibility, it has allowed the contact between different cultures and mentalities. A more reasonable understanding of our differences and for sure our personal development, once that this kind of connection is not so manipulated by mainstream media.
Once that I don't want to change all my previous creations, I will leave the blog just as it is, so this way a better understanding of my personal metamorphosis, will be better perceptible..
My love for writing is now expressed in different ways, considering my state of mind, not following any pattern, which would limit myself and my writing. I don't look for inspiration. I'm instead inspired within triggers of photography, simple events, people or even just a sentence that sparks in my mind. Is my own way of putting out a turmoil of emotions and thoughts. My way to express the love I have for life, for people, but also my deep interest in our modern international system, shaping societies, politics and religious studies.
Consequently, I also share contents of writers, personalities, journalists, politicians,Humanists, anyone that inspires my writing, properly identified.
Feel free to share your thoughts and comments!
Carpe Diem for you all!

Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem
Because life is just a breath...

terça-feira, 25 de maio de 2010

"O tempo que não passa..."

"Seguindo o caminho por trilhos traçados,
desespera...mas é feliz no presente tendo noção do futuro,sendo a sua felicidade por antecipação... mas o tempo passa tão lentamente que quase que ouve o rugir dos ponteiros,como se quisessem gritar de tanta ansiedade do que vem por aí...Tempo...é tão importante nas nossas vidas e é tudo o que menos temos,nada o altera mas ele altera tudo,traz e leva parecendo que se altera a ele mesmo não sendo a sua passagem uma constante matemática mas um critério dele próprio,brincando com as nossas vidas tão limitadas...O tempo não passa nas nossas vidas..nós é que passamos pela sua infinita existência..."

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